The first time I came across Dave Tatum's writing online about my beloved Oxford, his words spoke to me. The more I read the louder his memories rang a bell. We rode the same sidewalks and walked the same trails. Bike tire air, ice-cold bottled Cokes, old J. B. Kelly and Shorty Bell at Kelly's, and many more mainstays of our youth will forever bring sweet and deep smiles. Dave loves Oxford.
The Tatums kids, five boys, and their little sister, grew up in Ammadelle. As a child, I thought Oxford's finest old home was a castle. Dave's memories of those years spoke to him and the town is all the better for his knowledge of life on North Lamar.
Cofield Press is more than happy, in fact proud, to back Dave and his fine memories of the town that defined our childhoods. I have said more than a few times that many folks find themselves 20 to 30 years out longingly looking back to what they had, Oxford folks don't do that; because we knew our special time in real-time. Now to the readers, sit back and smile for and with Dave Tatum. It is and always will be... Oxford First!
- John Cofield, Cofield Press

Dave, born in Oxford in 1955, grew up in the 50’s and 60’s. He lived during the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK; saw the sorrow of deaths in the Vietnam War. He lived through cultural changes and rise of recreational drug use. He shares his wild ride of life through writing. Today, he is retired and enjoys his newfound love writing and storytelling.